Thursday 8 May 2008

Spring has, er, sagged...

It was hot and sunny over the weekend. I put on shorts. I mowed the lawn.

I came indoors and caught sight of myself in the mirror.

I am now into the fourth day of a no-booze-or-chocolate diet.


Kate Hardy said...

Jan, your garden looks GORGEOUS.

LOL on the no-booze-or-choc thing :o)

Jan Jones said...

Hi Kate - yes, it looks ever so good from this angle, doesn't it? Down at ground level it's not quite the same story...

And I had to mow the dratted grass again today!

(kept away from mirrors this time)

Unknown said...

Garden looks so green and fabulous! Good luck with the diet. Mine is going very slowly...

Jan Jones said...

That's why I took the shot from the bedroom window, Liz! From up there, you can't see that it's mostly lush with vibrant new weeds!

Diets are BORING!