Friday 26 June 2009

Anyone lost a pigeon?

Anyone lost a racing pigeon? This handsome specimen has been with us for about 3 hours now. As you can see, food and water have been consumed and now the bird-table is serving as a comfortable bed on which to take a nap.

Trouble is - the cats are due to wake up from their nap at tea-time or so...


Maria said...

I wish that pigeon all the very best. And you too!

Jayne said...

Jan, we had a pigeon visitor a couple of weeks ago too, he stayed for almost a week! I named him Pedro - lol. He had the rings on his legs so he must have belonged to someone. He's moved on now but I hope he visits again sometime, he was lovely!

Jan Jones said...

Well, the pigeon went off by the end of the day - but two days later it was back again!