I've been out to lunch [no comments, you at the back]. To a literary lunch, in fact, courtesy of the Wickhambrook Women's Institute Reading Club.
Wickhambrook WI are one of the few groups in the country to have their own hall, and very nice it is too. And, oh, the bliss of eating five sorts of sandwiches, two sorts of pastry and my choice of puddings (from three) without having to cook anything or clear it away!
There were a lot of people there, conversation flowed, recipes were swapped, the bookstall did a brisk trade. Then, just as I regretfully decided that I couldn't fit in a piece of carrot cake as well as the most divine chocolatey-cheescakey-tart, the chairman of the Reading Club stood up to introduce the speaker.
And I remembered why I'd been invited.
Fortunately, the WI ladies are an intelligent bunch and not known for holding back, so after a ten-minute introductory waffle from me, the questions came thick and fast. The Reading Club had all read my books (thus increasing my PLR, thank you!) and those literary lunchers who hadn't, were interested in the local area where I set my plots.
So - Angela and Dorothy, thank you for inviting me. I had a smashing time.
Sorry for not blogging - have been in withdrawal since the end of the fabulous Romantic Novelists' Association conference last week.
However, if anyone would like to read my 'Lemons' story, it's in the Woman's Weekly Summer Special 2 out now!
Right. Time for a big mug of tea and finish off the proofs of Fortunate Wager.
I know I'm posting this early, but I'm away to the RNA Conference next week and I might just possibly not find myself with spare time soon.
So - if anyone is near the Lake District on Friday 10th July, get yourself across to Penrith Library where there will be a sumptuous gathering of romantic novelists ready to meet the public, talk about their work and sign books.
Just look at all those names! How could anyone resist?
Many thanks to all the authors involved for freely giving up their time, and also to lovely Helen and Deb of Cumbria Libraries.
Sadly, I'm going to be filling goody bags, pinning lists on notice-boards and doors, and finding new things to panic about, so I'll miss it.
But I will expect full reports!
The Romantic Novelists' Association has a new blog up, courtesy of blog manager, the wonderful Liz Fenwick.
Go read for monthly releases, craft tips and writerly insights.