7 copies of short story manuscript, ready to win me £25,000, all parcelled up ready for the post - tick
16 sets of 5 handouts for Writing Romance course in Stoke - tick
course notes - tick
posh clothes to give course in - tick
box of my books to sell having convinced coursees during the day of my brilliance, wit and readability - tick
Other half of bedroom that we didn't take to Uni house last week - tick
er, apart from the computer
and the frozen food
and the stuff in the fridge
and her pillows
So that's tick-ish, then
Phew, you've been busy.
Hope the course goes well. I'm sure they'll be buying your books by the dozen, you write beautifully.
Well done on all those ticks. And I agree with Debs, you'll sell dozens of books. Good luck!
Haven't sent my story yet, suspect my usual "fluffy and romantic with murder and laughs on the side" isnt' what they'll be looking for! But good luck to both of us. And for the Stoke course too, though you'll be great.
Thanks all. It's a bit like the swan gliding along with feet pedalling madly at the moment!
Will report tomorrow re course.
Hope it went well! Looking forward to hearing about it :o)
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