Two weeks earlier than expected!
There I was, cold and glum, looking at the screed of disconnected rambling sentences that is the current wip, with all sorts of jobs stacked up waiting for me...
DING DONG DING DONG (no, I don't know why it always rings twice, either)
And lo and behold, outside my front door was a completely out-of-the-grey delivery!
Aren't they gorgeous? All glossy and shiny and with my name on them and everything.
So, to celebrate, I'm going to give one away. Yes, really, don't try to stop me.
To be in with a chance of winning, just tell me what would make your life suddenly full of sparkle and good cheer if an unexpected parcel of it turned up on your doorstep?
But do it by Friday 13th, okay?
An unexpected parcel containing one of your fab books would definately make my life suddenly full of sparkle.
Love the cover.
Bless you, Debs! What a lovely thing to say.
I already know my parcel containing your book is on its way from Robert Hale (got my notification on Friday) so... I think it'd have to be a parcel containing Antonio Banderas, a bottle of champagne and a box of gianduja.
(Bet you wish you hadn't asked, now...)
I expected AB and the choc for you, Kate, but the bubbles came as a surprise.
A copy of the DVD of 12 Men of Christmas - delivered by the 12 men.
But failing, that, a copy of your fabulous book. I'm into Regencies after reading two Robert Hales recently. Congratulations, Jan!
A parcel containing a perfectly cooked pizza (with anchovies) personally delivered by Sophie Marceau who was finishing her shift for the night and had a yearning to improve her English. Could I help her?
Yay! How exciting. Love the cover. And don't they always smell nice when they come out of the box?
Books. I don't think a parcel could contain anything more exciting or more certain to make my life full of sparkle and good cheer than books. Well, books and chocolate maybe. Make that books and chocolate delivered by Hugh Jackman...
I'd like an omnibus edition containing Sean Bean,Colin Firth, Hugh Bonneville and Alan Rickman, please. And chocolate would be nice.(But FW is on order from Hale and must be imminent though I've had no word from them.)
Hi Jan, I have been thinking. As the current trend in fiction seems to involve vampires, maybe I ought to ask for one of those to come to my door. Then I could interview him/it [I know that's already been done before] and together we could write a best seller. There is a downside to consorting with vampires . . .obviously. But as a member of the NWS I'm willing to give anything a go - once!
I don't think it can be boxed, but I'd love a sparkling parcel of golden minutes and diamond hours to turn up on my doorstep. Failing that, some siny new books are always welcome!
Ooh how lovely to see a whole pile of them like that!
Colin Firth wrapped in tinsel, holding a copy of your book would definitely make my day.
Failing that, a suitcase full of money - with a copy of your book on top.
I'll go away now ...
Book arrived safely from publisher but am seriously disappointed at the lack of gorgeousness attached to it. Is it too much to ask that David Tennant might turn up?
I would like a sleepy kitten to curl on my lap while I write and a small fat puppy to lie on my freezing feet and thereby encourage me to sit writing for longer. (I'm trying to resist turning on the heating)
Yeah, sorry about that, Nicky - apparently they were all busy.
I'll do the draw 1st thing tomorrow. Well, 1st-ish.
No worries, Jan, am now pondering Lizzie's vampire theme. At least it would be slimming? And less hassle than Weight Watchers?
And the winner is ... ... ... Karen!
Can you send your address to jan at jan-jones dot co dot uk and I'll brave the storm force winds to get it into the post on Monday.
Not sure I can manage Colin Firth though.
Sorry to all the non-winners.
Loved the image of Phillipa's 12 men jostling for space on her doorstep (what would the neighbours say?)
Agree with Sjirley re books and chocolate and Hugh J.
You are so right, Dumdad. One so rarely gets perfectly cooked pizza. :) Seems a shame you'd have to give an English lesson for it...
Lizzie - Eeek!
Alison - beautiful thoughts
Joanna - a purring kitten and a small fat puppy sound adorable. Especially in this weather. Hope you are warmer now.
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