Like sorting out timetables (don't hold your breath). And accommodation. And food. And, er, Gala Dinner table decorations. (Look, these things are important.)
So this morning - aided by daughter who should have been revising for her finals - has been largely spent distracted by the shiny. There's something so gleeful about running beautiful sparkly sequins through your fingers...
Love the photos. And you're right; these things are important!
Can't wait!!!
ps I wouldn't be able to resist either :-)
Oooh, pretty! Me want.
You have no idea how much fun it was playing with those shinies :D Time well spent I feel.
Also, the photos are now up on facebook and this Blog post is the second google result when you look for "Distracted by the Shiny"
They ARE important, Shirley!
Nice to know we aren't alone, Liz.
Fiona - you'll need to bring a small polythene bag to the gala dinner to fill with shiny booty
There are more results for "distracted by the shiny"? What a strange place the Internet is.
Must sort out my finances and come to this. These look super!
Ooh, I'm so excited and can't wait to be there.
You're so good at putting everything together, and I agree that these things are important.
Can't have too many shiny things.
Ooh, gorgeous - and I just can't wait!!
Lovely! Thanks for the photos! I'm so jealous - I wanted to get into the New Writers' Scheme but it was full up by the time I got around to it. Ah well, there's always next year. Until then I shall live virtually through you!
Talli - you can still come to the conference, but there's a premium for non-members. Could still be worth you doing it.
Oh - brilliant! Thanks for the info, Jan. I'll have to check it out, in that case.
Hope you get a chance to enjoy the shiny object in the sky today!
Love the photos!!! Looks awesome!
Oh, those are so pretty!
Oh, how pretty!
Can't wait to see them at the dinner...
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