Award-winning author of Regency romance, contemporary romantic comedy, novellas. Also serials and short stories for women's magazines, poems for the small press, and anything else that might sell.
. Aren't friends wonderful? Just when you're feeling all Mondayish, there's a ring at the bell and a sweating delivery man hefts a giant box from Interflora over the doorstep.
And all to thank me for doing something I thoroughly enjoyed doing anyway.
Thanks, all. They are still holding up manfully on my windowsill.
Susie - the lack of hot water is because my 21-year-old boiler (which has NEVER given me any trouble) has a defunct gas valve as of last Friday and just as everything plumbing-wise stopped for the weekend. Boiler man couldn't come until Wednesday at which point we discovered that this particular gas valve is SO reliable that no one in the area stocks it. At all.
Lovely flowers. My husband, pleased as punch with himself, presented me with a voucher for Interfora for my birthday (24th Dec) 'so you can buy flowers whenever you want them'. He was amazed when I politely declined and I got the hurt puppy look when I explained that the whole point of buying flowers was to show that he'd thought about me; spontaneously. A bunch from a petrol station, chosen with me in mind, would have been lovely. Sigh. He's just gone off to buy some flowers, shaking his head in a puzzled way and saying he'll probably get the wrong colour or something. Oh well, marry an engineer and it's probably not reasonable to expect romantic gestures very often!
How gorgeous! I'm sure you deserved them and what a lovely surprise.
Was a brilliant surprise, Lori. Quite made up for still not having any hot water in the taps.
They are glorious and you earned them! Enjoy.
Aw, shucks, Liz. Thanks x
No hot water...oh no! I wish you a lovely warm bath when it comes back on!!
Trust me, Lori - it's the first thing on the list!
How gorgeous--and how generous of her! Flowers are always lovely.
They're glorious, and I'm sure much deserved.
Aw, how lovely :o) That's a gorgeous photograph of them.
Gorgeous, Jan. But what's with the hot water?
Thanks, all. They are still holding up manfully on my windowsill.
Susie - the lack of hot water is because my 21-year-old boiler (which has NEVER given me any trouble) has a defunct gas valve as of last Friday and just as everything plumbing-wise stopped for the weekend. Boiler man couldn't come until Wednesday at which point we discovered that this particular gas valve is SO reliable that no one in the area stocks it. At all.
Lovely flowers. My husband, pleased as punch with himself, presented me with a voucher for Interfora for my birthday (24th Dec) 'so you can buy flowers whenever you want them'. He was amazed when I politely declined and I got the hurt puppy look when I explained that the whole point of buying flowers was to show that he'd thought about me; spontaneously. A bunch from a petrol station, chosen with me in mind, would have been lovely.
He's just gone off to buy some flowers, shaking his head in a puzzled way and saying he'll probably get the wrong colour or something. Oh well, marry an engineer and it's probably not reasonable to expect romantic gestures very often!
Agreed. Friends are the best! :-D
A voucher for flowers on a Christmas Eve birthday (Hello twin!) ... well, he probably won't do it again.
Amy - thanks for dropping by (love the identity photo). You are so right. Life would be very poor indeed without friends.
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