2010 RNA Awards Lunch
Last week was the Romantic Novelists' Association Pure Passion Awards Lunch. Every previous year I have arrived early and scurried around putting out place names or tying balloons on books or doing anything else I was asked to in order to get the room ready.
This year was different. Yes, I arrived early - but then was ushered into the Author's Room and given tea and hugged the other shortlisted authors and had my photo taken. [Shortlisted Love Story of the Year authors shown with lovely chairman, Katie Fforde] It was all a bit surreal, really. At any moment I was expecting someone to draw me apologetically to one side and tell me there had been a mistake and I wasn't supposed to be there after all.
Once all the photos had been taken and we had caught up with one another, we were released into the wild - sorry, the anteroom - for a glass of champagne and even more catching up with masses of pals. The Royal Garden Hotel was jammed! Amazingly, my editor managed to find me (they are such a clever breed) and we moved into the gorgeously decorated main room for lunch.
Fair Deception didn't win - that accolade went to Nell Dixon's deserving Animal Instincts, published by Little Black Dress - but it was such a wonderful day the awards seemed the least of it. And one of the very best bits was this dessert: 'Pure Chocolate Passion'. created especially for the 50th Anniversary.
How fantastic!!!
You were on the shortlist because you DESERVED to be there! :) You looked lovely (and I loved your necklace), and it was great to see you. (And oh, that pudding...)
Thanks for the wonderful report on the Awards lunch and the photos, Jan :0)
I've not read all the shortlisted books, but I've read Fair Deception of course, Nell's Animal Instincts and The Notorious Mr. Hurst and they were all fab; so incredibly difficult to pick a winner. As far as I'm concerned, they are all winners!
Sounds like it was an amazing day with an equally amazing dessert. I would love to have the recipe for the postively erotic-sounding 'Pure Chocolate Passion *g*
Ditto what Kate said....
I bet next year will find Fortunate Wager on the short list!
Sounds like a great time! And it's just down the street from me... maybe I should have gate-crashed the event! :)
It was fabulous, Jen.
Thank you, Kate - but I bet you felt the same the TWICE so far that you've been shortlisted, hmm?
Elizabeth - If I had the recipe for Pure Chocolate Passion I would not fit into any of my clothes ever again!
Aw, shucks, Liz.
Hi Talli - love your avatar! No gate-crashing allowed, sadly, but people can always buy tickets...
Thanks for the great photos. It sounds like everyone had a fabulous time, and I wish I could have been there too.
I've consoled myself by booking my flights for the Conference, so am looking forward to that.
Completely agree with Liz F - there's always next year! And having read both of your Regencies, I can safely say that "Fortunate Wager" is the more romantic of the two.
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