Procrastinating, moi?
I have a novel, a revision, a serial, three short stories and a raft of critiques to get on with. I have a To Do list rather longer than my arm. I desperately need to decide whether to wear sensible apricot or swirly scarlet to the Pure Passion Awards Lunch (I have mentioned Fair Deception is shortlisted for Love Story of the Year, have I?).
So I thought I'd ignore all of them and go to a nice soothing lecture on "Historical Bury St Edmunds through Paintings and Prints" instead.
These photos are of the remains of the old Precinct Wall in Bury St Edmunds. Look at the thickness of it! I just love the way all the buildings butt onto it and have grown around it.
The past in the present.
LOL, Jan, on the procrastinating! I am a master of that particular art. The talk sounds great, though. Oh, and I would go for swirly scarlet!
The lecture sounds lovely, and the pics are great.
And I think you should DEFINITELY wear the scarlet. With your colouring, you'll look fantastic.
I thought my To Do list with long, but it's nothing compared to yours.
Hope you enjoy the talk and good luck with the awards lunch on Tuesday.
The lecture was very good - fascinating how painters sometimes left out houses if they didn't fit the picture they had in their mind!
They also moved ruins in a random fashion to make them more picturesque!
And I've decided on the swirly scarlet. I think.
Glad you've decided on the scarlet.
As for the procrastinating, I prefer to think of it as nourishing the writer's soul. After all, if all we did was sit at our desks, we'd have nothing to write about.
I love the 'past in the present' quote, and agree you should go for swirly scarlet.
Good luck with the to do list, sounds like you've got your hands full :o)
I vote for swirly scarlet too. Make a splash!
Huge congratulations, Jan. That is major and wonderful. Swirly scarlet sounds perfection! Enjoy jx
It's always scarlet!
Fingers crossed for Fair Deception: wish I was going to be there but I'll want to know the MINUTE it's announced!
Good Luck at the awards Jan!
Swirly Scarlet sounds the way to go!
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