Friday, 29 September 2017

The Jigsaw Puzzle is back!


The new, expanded version of The Jigsaw Puzzle, the first story in my Penny Plain series, has now been published on kindle.

New cover, a lot more words, same Penny and Leo.

I'm expanding the second story - Just Desserts - even as we speak. My aim is to have all four of them up by December, ready for new projects next year.

Aren't the covers lovely?
That's the excellent Jane Dixon-Smith at work again.

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

ONLY DANCING in large print

My 1970s flashback mystery ONLY DANCING is now available in Large Print, so if you prefer your books in  paper-and-ink version do please order it from your local library. Every scrap of Public Lending Right is gratefully received by an author.

Caroline knows revisiting the music of her growing-up years will be painful to her feelings. She has no idea that the David Bowie Is... exhibition will have a profound effect on the rest of her life. What starts in bittersweet nostalgia ends in very present danger.

ONLY DANCING can also be bought in the kindle version.

Whichever format you choose, I hope you enjoy!