In the Atrium of Wigan Town Hall, we were served 'Pure Passion' cocktails (ribena and sparkling wine - very pretty) and I got a chance to catch up with lots of Romantic Novelists' Association pals, including Jenny Haddon, Melinda Hammond, Roger Sanderson, Penny Jordan, Trisha Ashley, June Francis, Eileen Ramsay and Angela Proctor.

She was followed by two writers whose books are on the suggested Pure Passion reading list: Erica James (right; current Romantic Novel of the Year holder with Gardens of Delight), and Linda Gillard (left) with Emotional Geology published by the lovely Transita. Both talked about their writing and read a short excerpt from their own book.
Then it was time to network with the gathered librarians, finish off the cakes and fruit platter that had been provided by the Time to Read team, and wend our way home.
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