Award-winning author of Regency romance, contemporary romantic comedy, novellas. Also serials and short stories for women's magazines, poems for the small press, and anything else that might sell.
I'm having a last-ish surge through Fortunate Wager and am at the checking all the dates and all the facts stage - and I can't find the timeline!
I know I've made one because I can't not have done. I make one for all my books as I go along. Being just slightly control-freakish, I need to know when I am as I write (one of my pet peeves are books where it isn't clear how much time has passed between one scene and the next). It's also helpful to know which character is appearing too much or too little. Or if the hero and heroine are spending more time apart than together. Plus it's a tremendous way of procrastinating whilst still legitimately claiming that I'm working.
So I know I've written/drawn/annotated this one. I can even see it in my mind's eye with large arrows swooping all over it where I needed to move scenes around. BUT I CAN'T FIND IT NOW!
It's obviously been misplaced somewhere in this lot.
I'm going to have to make another one, aren't I? .
Good luck finding it! Or writing the new one. Whatever you do I suggest a big bar of chocolate first (great for the brain - okay I may have made that up, but any excuse I say!) ;-)
Lori - what a good idea! Sadly I'm Being Good in the hopes that I can fit into me Winter Party skirt (ie the one I couldn't zip up for the Conference dinner)
Debs - I do love kindred spirits!
Kate - Now that would just be sensible. (And actually, my timelines do bear a certain resemblance to the backs of envelopes...)
I'm an artist, not a writer, but I have to say, looking at your arrangements is making me feel slightly more legitimate, or less freakish, or something...That it's not just me. Don't get me started on losing things...I start thinking of body mods where various important things are attached to my person by discreet silver chains...
Good luck finding it! Or writing the new one. Whatever you do I suggest a big bar of chocolate first (great for the brain - okay I may have made that up, but any excuse I say!) ;-)
Those piles of paperwork look so similar to mine!
Hugs, Jan. Your papers are in much tidier order than mine... so hopefully it won't take you too long to find it.
I do my timeline as a Word file and keep it with the notes for the book. Then I can't lose it (unlike my infamous notes on the back of an envelope!).
Lori - what a good idea! Sadly I'm Being Good in the hopes that I can fit into me Winter Party skirt (ie the one I couldn't zip up for the Conference dinner)
Debs - I do love kindred spirits!
Kate - Now that would just be sensible. (And actually, my timelines do bear a certain resemblance to the backs of envelopes...)
At least your prime drawing material doesn't have syllabi on the other side ^_^'
Good luck finding it mum, I'm sure the cats would LOVE to help you go through all those flappy papers...
Ha! They should be so lucky!
I gave up and started making another one. It's good for me, really.
I can see it there, just under the pink folder!
Or is that a bill?
Ooh ... rushes downstairs to look ... no, just a notice of last year's Carol Concert. Why don't I ever throw anything away?
I'm an artist, not a writer, but I have to say, looking at your arrangements is making me feel slightly more legitimate, or less freakish, or something...That it's not just me. Don't get me started on losing things...I start thinking of body mods where various important things are attached to my person by discreet silver chains...
Hi Sparkly Art person!
How weird - I landed on your blog just yesterday and coveted one of your Guerilla Art sticks. But they'd all gone. And you're a continent away.
I often claim to the family that my piles of work are an art-form. Strangely, they aren't convinced.
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