Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Written on the Wind - part three

The third part of my North Yorks moors serial is now out. Annie is still trying to settle into Moor End House, but is hampered by not knowing what Luke and Rob are up to.

She finds a degree of peace amongst the trees in the grove, visits old Joe in hospital, and shows that she is determined to build her own life here.

Warning: features trees.

Birch, alder, willow, oak. Holly, hazel, apple, beech.
And the ivy to bind and the yew to watch.



J. Fishler said...

You, my friend, ROCK! :) XXX

Joanna said...

Congratulations on your brilliant serial writing. I would love to be able to do this. There's a real art to it and, although I'll keep trying, I haven't got the hang of it yet at all.
It's a fantastic achievement.

Jan Jones said...

Thank you very much, Joanna. It's a tricky skill to acquire. Not convinced I've got hold of it myself properly, yet

Jan Jones said...

Thanks, Jen. You rock too!