Whilst browsing racing prints for my Regency work-in-progress, I came across this one by Henry Alken from 1802.
Look closely at the leading jockey. Is it me, or is he trying to text and ride at the same time?
As Louise Allen commented to me, convincing proof of time travel!
(PS You can click on the picture for an enlarged view)
I would not put it past some companies to try and sell phones that way, however I'm going to have to be boring and point out that you do jknow what it actually is..
A remote? A small, hand-held stunner for whoever is in front? A speed-camera jammer?
Jan, that is priceless :o)
Isn't it just, Kate? No good for the word count though. Instead of a thrilling page full of the hero galloping headlong across rough wasteland and ploughed fields to find the heroine whose horse has just bolted, he could just text "r u ok?"
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